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Tacoma's Regional Destination

2014 Bond Update 3

In 2015, our community set out a vision – the park’s master plan update. Here’s how we brought that vision to life.

READ THE STORIES to dive deeper.

  • marina boathouseTransformed a toxic Superfund cleanup site into a treasured community jewel at Dune Peninsula – READ THE STORY
  • Created a spectacular home for green sea turtles, hammerhead sharks and more in the Pacific Seas Aquarium at Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium – READ THE STORY
  • Connected Point Defiance Park & Ruston Way with a soaring, view-filled bridge & path at Wilson Way – EXPLORE
  • Restored a beloved beach to improve access, usage and climate resilience at Owen Beach – READ THE STORY
  • Restored a historic building to support water recreation and protect ecosystems at Point Defiance Marina – EXPLORE
  • Improved safe, active and accessible travel to and through the park for all visitors with a roundabout, trails, sidewalks, crosswalks
  • Completed new schematic garden design, partnering with sister city Kitakyushu at the Japanese garden – EXPLORE
  • Rebuilt greenhouses in offsite location, making room for Ruston Way trail and supporting plant care
  • Built a regional stormwater treatment facility

Owen Beach


owen beach kids playingBy redesigning this beloved beachfront away from future sea level rise, and adding ocean-themed play features, ADA paths, kayak launch, a sparkling pavilion, new parking, lawn, kiosk and restrooms, separate car/pedestrian roads and more, we’ve made this longtime community treasure accessible to all – and protected for future generations. – READ THE STORY

PARTNER FUNDERS: WA State RCO, Tacoma Public Schools

Point Defiance Park: Your Bond at Work

Dune Peninsula


For decades, this was a place of pollution. A smelter, pumping toxins into water and land. Now, we’ve transformed the Superfund site that inspired the groundbreaking sci-fi novel “Dune” from blight into beauty. Partnering with multiple agencies, we capped the chemical-laden soil and planted wildflower meadows.

Added winding paths, dune-like hills, playful sculptures – and a real-life “chutes and ladders” to connect it to a stunning overpass footbridge and Point Defiance Park. Created a shining jewel on Tacoma’s waterfront that brings locals and visitors alike to bathe in nature. Showed the world a way forward from pollution to promise. – READ THE STORY

PARTNER FUNDERS: US Environmental Protection Agency, Cambia Health Solutions, WA State DOE


Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium


PDZA World Tiger WeekendPoint Defiance Zoo & Aquarium inspires visitors to care for wildlife – while caring for its own habitats and creating innovative new ones. The Pacific Seas Aquarium brought immersive, interactive exhibits and incredible ocean animals. – READ THE STORY

Upgrades at Rocky Shores, the Asian Forest Sanctuary and more enabled even better animal care.  And for visitors, a new picnic shelter and structures in Kids Zone offer new, comfortable ways to get up close to animals and connect with community.

PARTNER FUNDERS: The Zoo SocietyPoint Defiance Park: Your Bond at Work 7