We are now:
- We are simplifying and strengthening our brand to represent ourselves more clearly and effectively to the community.
- Research shows that people view us positively, but they have a limited understanding of the full range of our places and programs. The use of multiple visual identities has contributed to this confusion. Our new brand is designed to make everything more cohesive and connected. As we roll out new signage and materials, this concept will become clearer.
- We launched our updated Parks Tacoma brand Jan. 14, 2025, featuring our new logo and a visual identity system for our sub-brand destinations.
Why Drop “Metro” From Our Name?
We want to lead with our strongest feature.
“Parks Tacoma” is simple, intuitive and down to earth. It leans into what people say they value and recognize most about us.
We are much more than parks in Tacoma, but those spaces symbolize the places and programs we provide.
Logo Inspiration: The Salal Leaf
Nature sustains us.
Salal, an evergreen shrub native to the Pacific Northwest, has provided food, medicine and beauty to our local tribes for generations.
It thrives in all seasons and adapts to changing conditions.
Its symbolism reminds us to nourish ourselves in all our neighborhoods through everyday escapes in nature and play.
Additional questions?
Contact Tara Mattina, Marketing and Digital Media Manager.
What data informed the brand update?
Community surveys were extensive, but the following key findings highlight what people recognize, expect and value most in us – and where they’re confused about the programs and places we provide. The updated brand is designed to capitalize on the positive associations and create clearer connections to address the confusion.
Key brand survey findings -
Why are you spending money to update the agency’s brand when there are other competing needs?
We can’t afford not to. The community research clearly showed that people are confused about the variety and range of programs and places we provide. Weak associations equal lost opportunity for program participation, corporate sponsorships, grant support and community investment.
Our identity is central to helping people understand the full breadth of what we offer. People should be able to recognize immediately that a program or facility is provided by us, and over the years we have seen confusion and lack of awareness of those connections.
Recognizing that strategic directions change, organizations typically revisit their brands every seven to 10 years. Our last comprehensive update was about 25 years ago.
How much money are you spending on this project?
The contract with an agency to produce the visual identity system (parent logo, color palette, sub-brand incorporation and templates) is about $72,000. We know that a change of this magnitude will incur additional expenses; however, an effective brand strategy is an investment, not merely an expense. It helps target investment appropriately, reduce redundancy and uncertainty and create efficiency in decision-making. For example: Consider the confusion caused by the number of different program names, signs and logos across our system. We need a clear, streamlined look, tone and structure designed to reflect us more consistently and effectively.
Parks Tacoma doesn’t have competition, so why bother?
Our purpose is to foster a healthier, safer, more prosperous Tacoma. To do that, we must effectively engage the community we serve, secure sustainable funding to support that work and recruit and retain employees who are driven by a deep sense of purpose and commitment.
In that sense, we are competing every single day for time, money and attention. Although public parks face little direct competition, we vie daily for the attention of community members and how they choose to spend their discretionary time.
By uniting all we offer under a simple, straightforward Parks Tacoma brand, we can more effectively and efficiently connect our community with the resources that enrich their lives. Parks Tacoma must also be positioned to secure support from funding partners. Branding that clearly unifies our agency with all the sub-branded places and programs we offer is essential for partners to fully grasp the value of their investment.
Our updated brand reflects the evolution of our agency, growing alongside and in response to the dynamic changes within our community.
What return will we get for this investment?
A strong brand that clearly aligns and communicates our strategic direction should result in improved revenue and reduced expenses through:
- Increased use of our parks and services, resulting in a healthier, safer and more prosperous community
- Community understanding and pride
- Employee and volunteer recruitment and retention
- Partner and sponsor investments
- Voter turnout for parks-related offices and investment opportunities
Why change your name?
To be clear, we are and always have been the Metropolitan Park District of Tacoma, but even the simpler “Metro Parks Tacoma” has resulted in inconsistency (“Metro,” “Parks Tacoma”).
We want to lead with our strongest feature: parks. “Parks Tacoma” is short, intuitive and descriptive. It leans into what people say they value and recognize most about us. Coupled with a simpler brand framework, the community will recognize and understand our many places and programs more clearly.
Of course, we still are much more than parks in Tacoma, but those spaces are the symbols of the recreational and educational services we provide. Our zoos are wildlife parks, and our community centers serve as indoor parks, where people come together to connect, learn and play in a shared space. And, while we have attractions in places outside the city, Tacoma is the main community we serve. Since signs and materials must be changed anyway with the brand update, it made sense to simplify the name on them at the same time to make the most of our resources.
Are the logos for individual parks, community centers and programs also changing?
Brand architecture is the way our sub-brands — our parks, community centers and programs — relate back to our parent brand to make clear that we’re part of the same organization. Over the years, as new places and programs opened, they were branded inconsistently, creating confusion. While most of the sub-brand logos will stay close to their originals, we have created a system that ties them more closely to the Parks Tacoma brand.
We recognize that three of our four community centers have clear sub-brands, but our first and oldest, People’s Community Center, does not. Branding that community center will not be part of Parks Tacoma’s brand update because that space is undergoing a feasibility study for redevelopment. Its identity should be part of a broader community-infused effort. But we have created a word mark with the same hierarchy and weight as our other three community centers so that they are all on the same level. Meadow Park Golf Course also is under consideration for improvements, and any updates to that brand likely would happen in conjunction with that effort.
We know that change can be uncomfortable or confusing in the beginning, but it’s important that the people we serve understand clearly who is serving them. We take those expectations and accountabilities seriously.
Are you going to replace all the signs?
You will see some temporary signs in our parks immediately to communicate the updated brand, but the Parks Tacoma brand update highlighted the need and opportunity to create a more consistent, comprehensive signage system overall. Current signs, which need to be updated with the new name and visual identity, vary widely. This variability leads to confusion about which entity owns and operates the sites, so this is an opportunity to develop more streamlined fabrication, installation and maintenance options. While we plan eventually to change all signage to align with new system standards and guidelines, we must balance this transition with available financial and people resources. That will take time.