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Point Defiance Park Triangle Area

Point Defiance Park Triangle Area

5400 N. Pearl St.
Tacoma, WA 98407

(253) 279-7751

Project Manager: Terry Jungman

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The Triangle area is a key piece of the Destination Point Defiance concept. This area of the park features improved boat trailer parking, the Wilson Way elevated walkway which creates safe access into the park from Ruston Way, the Point Defiance Stormwater Treatment Facility and more. Projects in and around the Triangle included:
  • A pedestrian bridge linking Point Ruston and Ruston Way to the park’s trails
  • Improved parking for boat trailers and vehicles near Point Defiance Marina
  • Transformation of the Asarco slag pile peninsula into an 11-acre park
  • Installation of a roundabout at the Pearl Street entrance
These projects are improvements in their own right, but they also are setting the stage for a future phase of construction that will bring the Triangle to its finished form. Until this next phase takes place, the Triangle will remain in an interim state, with soil elevations at a level required to effectively stockpile for future re-use and contouring according to future design; with the park district’s maintenance yards still located on its easternmost edge; and with other unfinished aspects.