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Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium

5400 N. Pearl St.
Tacoma, WA 98407

(253) 404-3802

Project Manager: Fred Ramey

Each of these projects is made possible by the voters’ approval in 2014 of a $198 million Parks Tacoma bond issue, with more than $65 million earmarked for capital improvements at the Zoo.

Pacific Seas Aquarium (Completed 2018)

The Zoo’s 55-year-old North Pacific Aquarium was failing, weakened by decades of salt-water corrosion. The new Pacific Seas Aquarium highlights Puget Sound marine life while also showcasing exciting new species, and inspiring conservation. Learn more.

Polar Bear Exhibit

In the near future, the polar bear exhibit will be renovated to meet rising animal care standards. Visitors also can expect more up-close viewing experiences. A design study is in process.

Rocky Shores Exhibit (Completed 2018)

Recent renovations to Rocky Shores – home to walruses, sea otters, seals, and puffins – improved health and safety features for animals and keepers. The project included a new sea lion exhibit, upgrades to animal life-support systems, and expanded views. Learn more

Environmental Learning Center (Completed 2017)

The Zoo also has collaborated with Tacoma Public Schools' Science and Math Institute (SAMI) on an environmental learning center to serve SAMI students and staff, as well as Zoo visitors and staff. The two-story shared-use building, constructed with Tacoma School District bond funds, serves a range of classroom needs from the high school students who attend SAMI to the littlest learners in the Zoo's early education programs. It also replaces portable buildings used by Zoo education staff and volunteers. Learn more, get involved and give input at